UD projects

Here you find links to active projects. If you want to add yours here just tell us.

  • Bauke’s  project and guestpost. A movie showing what it looks like when using it. A draft article which explains it in detail. More explanations in his blog.
  • Jim’s HALO3d project. First images (1) (2) (3)  (no longer active links). Apparently nothing happens with this project.

The idea is to build UD like algorithms, which are open source. You are welcome to contribute, either programs, proofs or informed comments to the discussions from this blog. Click on the tags unlimited detail or euclideon to see what the cool community of extremely gifted contributors has to say about this subject.

If you make a contribution or if you intend to use information freely shared here then:

  • if you contribute a program, don’t forget to get an open source licence for it
  • if you are going to use info from here don’t forget to make the right attributions (link to the post, or comment, with the mention of the name (or nick) of the contributor and the name of the post where the contribution is made).
  • [update:] if you are using any other sources, make the right attributions! I am personally not at all interested to crack open Bruce Dell’s UD and all his work should be correctly attributed, for example. Therefore, please don’t call a “solution” anything which not comes from your head!

Pablo and Bauke sent links to free lidar data. Jim proposes the Menger sponge set. This is needed for comparing the performances of the programs on the same data:

17 thoughts on “UD projects”

  1. Have you noticed that the child rejection patent applied for by Euclideon is now status lapsed by the authority. They have no successful patents, one filed for geoverse streaming, but seems nothing in the search traversal space which is where any magic might happen.

    1. No, that’s new to me, thanks for the comment. My guess is that they are trying to patent some “pure math” and that’s not possible. That “pure math” bit is what I wanted to learn when I became curious about euclideon.

      1. The only patent applied for is under the name Daniel Trebilco, who is an ex games programmer with opengl experience. He only started in late 2011. To me, that is when they realised games ain’t going to happen. There is no current patent in process for anything by Bruce Dell, even though Geoverse has been released. If there was any genius, it is left unprotected right now, which means there is none. It is also a reason that the SDK won’t be released openly, just to his customers under his spell.

  2. I added an update to this page, this is for pinging those who follow this thread:

    “[update:] if you are using any other sources, make the right attributions! I am personally not at all interested to crack open Bruce Dell’s UD and all his work should be correctly attributed, for example. Therefore, please don’t call a “solution” anything which not comes from your head!”

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