The price of publishing with arXiv

This is a very personal post. It is emotionally triggered by looking at this old question  Downsides of using the arXiv and by reading the recent The coming Calculus MOOC Revolution and the end of math research.

What I think? That a more realistic reason for a possible end (read: shrinking) of math research comes from  thinking  that there are any downsides of using the arXiv. That there are any downsides of using an open peer review system. It comes from those who are moderately in favour of open research until they participate into a committee or until it comes to protecting their own little church from strange ideas.

And from others, an army of good but not especially creative researchers, a high mediocracy (high because selected, however) who will probably sink research for a time, because on the long term a lot of mediocre research results add to noise. But on the short term, this is a very good business: write many mediocre, correct articles, hide them behind a paywall and influence the research policy to favour the number (and not the content) of those.

What I think  is that will happen exactly like it happened with the academic painters, a while ago.

You know that I’m right.

Now, because the net is not subtle enough, in order to show you that indeed, these people are right from a social point of view, to say that there is a price for not behaving as they expect, indulge me to explain what was the price which I paid for using the arXiv as the principal means of publication.

The advantage: I had a lot of fun. I wrote articles which contain more than one idea, or which use more than one field of research. I wrote articles on subjects which genuinely interest me, or articles which contain more questions than answers. I wrote articles which were not especially designed to solve problems, but to open ones. I changed fields, once about 3-4 years.

The price: I was told that I don’t have enough published articles. I lost a lot of cites, either because the citation was incorrectly done, or because the databases (like ISI) don’t count well those (not that I care, really). Because I change fields (for those who know me, it’s clear that I don’t do this randomly, but because there are connections between fields) I seem to come from nowhere and go nowhere. Socially, and professionally, is very bad for the career to do what I did. Most of the articles I sent for publication (to legacy publishers) have spent incredible amounts of time there and most of the refusals were of the type “seems OK but maybe another journal” or “is OK but our journal …”. I am incredibly (i.e. the null hypothesis statistically incredible) unlucky to publish in legacy journals.

But, let me stress this, I survived. And I still have lots of ideas, better than before, and I’m using dissemination tools (like this blog) and I am still having a lot of fun.

So, it’s your choice: recall why you have started to do research, what dreams you had. I don’t believe you that you dreamed, as a kid, to write a lot of ISI papers about a lot of arcane problems of others, in order to attract grant financing from bureaucrats who count what is your social influence.


10 thoughts on “The price of publishing with arXiv”

  1. I wonder whether having someone «notable» to «sponsor» your article would’ve worked better.

    As for the arXiv vs journals, it’s clear [at least to myself] that removing another means to play human social monkey games (through journals) is a Good Thing.

    Note that most classical organizational structures [e.g. journals] are run just as if people comprising — or at least people at the top — were Demi-Gods, which is not even remotely accurate. Clearly, there’s a legacy cultural connection involved here; it seems that the form dies off long after the understanding of purpose had.

    What are you thoughts on that?

    1. People from academia are just like any other group of people, in particular the games they play are in place by common agreement and later by the tragedy of the commons (great point taken from here.

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